How to Make a Good Impression on Colombian Women

What’s going on in a Latin woman’s head? In order to understand her, you’ll have to see her from her own point of view.

"Girls are made of sugar, spice, and anything nice," as the saying goes. And they certainly are, at least in a figurative context. Though for Colombianas, as a resident of the world’s major coffee producers, you might find that they have a strong amount of caffeine added in the mix.

They are the kind of ladies who instantly get anyone fired up to the point where you feel like you’ve had a few cups of their native coffee. In any case, it isn’t an exaggeration that their coffee is so strong that it makes you feel like you could run for miles.

These Latinas are the real deal when it comes to meeting expectations and reality. A number of articles have been dedicated to how amazing Latinas are, and that couldn’t be more true.

Most men (even those from outside their country) dream of dating Colombian women. Even the coldest of men can fall head over heels for their looks, personality, and all of it.

However, all those well-deserved compliments aside, we all know what you were looking for. We’ll give you everything you need to learn how to win the heart of a Colombian woman.

Make an effort to notice the little details

You must begin somewhere. What better way to start a conversation than with some pick-up lines?

For the most part, if you come on too hard, these women will become annoyed. You would discourage them if you are not careful about your choice of words and delivery.

These women are proud of their femininity and honor it by being truthful. Anything that even remotely sounds demeaning or sexist will be rejected quicker than you can say “uno!”

It’s important to remember that everything you do must be done with caution. You don’t want to hurt her in any way. What’s the safest way to execute pick-up lines in an unobtrusive manner? Make an attempt to read a Latina’s body language. Reading female body language is the best way to determine when to strike.

Is she assuming a friendly demeanor? Does she seem to be in the mood to flirt? If that’s the case, it’s best to wait for the right moment to approach her. Otherwise, go ahead and do it. Just try to be careful what you say to avoid scaring her away.

Keep your compliments to a minimum.

Another thing to remember when meeting a Colombiana is to be sensitive with your remarks. Though a few of them would take the praise, it’s no different from the ones they usually hear.

These women have most likely been bombarded with the same “beautiful” and “gorgeous” compliments. They are no longer surprised. It would be ideal to use more adjectives that aren’t limited to the typical compliments that women hear.

girl lying in flowers
Hearing the same compliments over and over again, a good amount of these women are probably tired of it.

Try switching up your complimenting game if you want to get across as sincere, all the while not looking too eager to please her either.

Pay attention to the little things, such as how she styled her hair, the color of her lipstick, and how well her dress fits her. Then, wait for the right time to bring it up in the conversation and praise her for her appearance.

This will definitely come as a surprise to her and make her smile as frankly as possible.

Details like these would usually slip by an ordinary guy. Women highly appreciate a man who takes notice of something they put a lot of thought into. It may come as a little odd for a man to be able to take note of these feminine particularities, but it sure would earn you a ton of brownie points.

Don’t try too hard to be humorous or confident

It’s best to break your way into a conversation - with jokes - but you have to get the punchline right.

Making a joke is intended to ease any uncomfortable feelings between you two. Is it making the situation easier if you force yourself to make a joke that is barely funny? Obviously not.

Being comedic isn’t always for everybody. Save for when you’re a natural comedian, don’t try to make a fool of yourself in front of the lady you’re courting. There’s a good chance you’ll make a mistake. What happens after that?

If she doesn’t laugh, things might turn awkward for you.

If that does happen, you’ll have to face the humiliation of looking like a try-hard. And if you’re insecure about yourself, she’ll certainly see you differently. You don’t want to look like a defeated hyena in front of these ladies.

girl with dog
You want to look like an endearing puppy that’s irresistibly cuddly, not a laughing hyena.

Get a basic understanding of the Spanish language

A handsome man increases his attractiveness by tenfold if he’s well-versed in different subjects. Even more so if he’s linguistically intelligent, as most women find these types of men highly appealing.

You don’t necessarily have to master Spanish overnight. Even if you try, you won’t be able to master a language in a few hours, even if you’re a polyglot.

The intention behind your desire to learn her native tongue is what matters to her the most. She will think you’re trying to connect with her and get a better idea of her identity as a Colombian. Besides, you’re almost certainly going to need her assistance, which would be a perfect reason to spend more time together.

If you speak in her native tongue, you might find yourself learning it quickly.

What makes dating a Colombian worthwhile

You will be able to adapt to how Colombian women play the dating game if you use these simple but successful methods of how to make a good impression. It could be a little difficult at first. However, with practice, you’ll be able to learn how to win her heart.

It is a great feeling to find love in a Latina like her.

In all of a Colombian woman’s characteristics, her unwavering devotion to her partner stands out the most. If she really loves you, she will always be there for you, no matter how tough the situation might be. A woman like that is hard to come by, so don’t let her get away from you.

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